

My name is Kasumi Nishimura. I live in Kumamoto with my family. I have two sisters. One sister works as a nurce in Tokyo  and the other works as an office worker in Kumamoto. And I have a dog.  His name is Paru. He is very cute but not clever. Even so I love him.
 I'm a student of Kumamoto University.  I study History. Especially, I'm interested in German History. I want to learn the Grimm  Brothers' fairy tales. Because I love Disney movies, so I want to know more fairy tales.
 Also I'm interested in Gender. In this summer, I'm going to take class of Gender. I'm looking forward to it.

I like watching movie both at my home and movie theater. Yesterday, I watched "Bakemononoko'' at movie theater with my friend. It is interesting for me and I was impressd by it. Also I love Disney movies. The most favorite movies in Disney is "The Princess and the Frog''. This movie told me that effort is important and keeping dream is hard but wonderful.

My grandmather lives in Shimane. There are three cousins. In this summer, my family are going to visit there.  Shimane's sea is clearer than Kumamoto. So we are enjoy swimming. Also in Shimane, fishes are very fresh and good taste. I hope to make lots of memories.

5 件のコメント:

  1. nurce > nurse
    grandmather > grandmother
    There are three cousins. > I have three cousins.
    In this summer, > This summer,

  2. I like seeing movies too.
    Please tell me your recommended movie.

  3. I'm interested in history, too.
    It seems interesting to study fairy tales!

  4. I love disney movies too.
    Your most favorite movie is "beauty and beast".
    All the girls dream of becoming a princess.

  5. A little while ago, I saw the movie of "Bakemononoko", too.
    I enjoyed it too.
